Each of the icons on the Toolbar is described below.
Previous Page. Tapping this icon will go back to the previous page of the document you are using for your presentation, such as a PowerPoint slide (just like the "Page Up" arrow key on a keyboard). You can also do this via the gestures. (Additional gestures.)
Flipchart. Create your own backgrounds by copying JPEG files into the Background sub-folder. The digital Flipchart feature allows you to draw on digital papers and flip back and forth, and continue to add or change the papers as desired.
Snapshot. When you tap the Snapshot icon, the screen will be captured exactly as it currently appears, with all annotations you have added. When in Snapshot mode, you will notice that an "X" icon displays on the Toolbar. Tap this "X" icon when you want to exit Snapshot mode. As an added convenience, saved screenshots are stored on the remote computer's hard drive in JPEG format. A shortcut will be created on the desktop automatically, named "Splashtop Whiteboard." Tap this shortcut to access the folder, which is normally located at:
Save Snapshot. After you have captured a screenshot, this icon will appear and give you a chance to save it. If you would rather not save it, tap the "X" icon which will be shown to the left of this Save Snapshot icon.
Gallery. When you tap this icon, a window opens which displays screenshots you have captured using Snapshot mode, 30 thumbnails at a time. If more than 30 exist, tap the Next or Previous arrows to view other thumbnails. You can tap a thumbnail to re-open the image full-screen (complete with all annotations you made) for viewing, editing, and sharing. From the Gallery window, you can E-mail images, Print images, and Delete images.
Undo. Standard "undo" function. Each time you tap it, the previous annotation is removed. There is no limit to the number of actions you can undo — all the way back to the beginning, if desired.
Redo. Standard "redo" function. Each time you tap it, the previously undone annotation is re-instated. There is no limit to the number of actions you can redo — until there is nothing else to redo, if desired.
Pen. Switches to Pen mode, which you can use to write letters/words free-hand, or draw any free-form lines or shapes. The left side of the menu gives you a choice of black, yellow, blue, green, or red. On the right side of the menu, choose from four sizes for the diameter of the line.
Highlighter. This tool superimposes a transparent line of color on the screen so that you can highlight anything on the screen and it will still be legible. Each time the highlighter passes over a previously-highlighted area, it becomes more translucent. Choose from five colors (pink, yellow, blue, green, or red), and 4 thicknesses.
Oval. This tool lets you insert oval lines on the screen to encircle words or other items on the screen. If you don't trace a complete oval shape on the screen, the tool will still complete an oval shape for you, based on the partial shape you traced with your finger. Choose from 5 colors and 4 line thicknesses.
Rectangle. This tool lets you insert rectangles on the screen to enclose words or other items on the screen. If you don't trace a complete rectangular shape on the screen (for example, maybe just two lines at a 90-degree angle), the tool will still complete a rectangular shape for you, based on what you traced with your finger. In fact, you can just trace a straight line. For instance, if there is a photograph on the screen that you want to enclose in a rectangle, you only need to trace your finger from one corner of the photo diagonally to the other corner in a straight line. The rectangle will automatically be inserted accordingly. Choose from 5 colors and 4 line thicknesses.
Line Tool. Lets you draw a straight line on the screen, using your choice of five colors and four weights. You can also insert arrowed and dashed lines.
Stamp Tool. Choose the symbol you want to insert, then tap on the screen in the location where you want to insert it. After you select one of the six symbols from the left side of the menu, then you have a choice of four different sizes of that symbol at the right side of the menu, as shown in the example below:
Text. You can hand-write words using the Pen tool explained above, or you can use this Text feature to type text from the iPad keyboard. Choose from 5 colors and 4 sizes of text characters. Tap the iPad screen in the place where you want the text to start appearing. A "crossbar" will display at that point for your reference. Then tap the Keyboard icon () to open the iPad keyboard and start typing your text. Tap "Return" on the keyboard if you want to start a new line of text. Close the keyboard when done.
Eraser. This tool erases anything in its path (your finger movement), including highlighting. Choose from four thicknesses.
Erase All. Tapping this icon erases all marks and annotations you've made. If you tap it accidentally, simply tap Undo. If you only want to erase specific portions of the markings, use the standard Eraser tool mentioned above.
More. Tap this button to open a menu of cool additional features that we've added to Splashtop Whiteboard, explained below.
Screen Shade. This useful tool lets you cover any portion of the screen, and then slowly reveal any portion (or all) of the screen, as desired. Use the "handles" on the four sides to drag the opaque Screen Shade in or out. For example, you might prepare a slide showing Questions and Answers, and then may wish to show the Questions one at a time, give the students/audience a chance to answer, then likewise reveal the Answers individually.
Spotlight. When this tool is chosen, the screen will be dimmed while a circular "spotlight" will draw the attention of the audience to the part you want to highlight. Unlike the Screen Shade tool, the dimmed parts of the screen are still vaguely visible, but attention will be drawn to the bright Spotlight to remove distractions.
Help. Tapping this icon displays a series of illustrations. The first one identifies each icon on the Toolbar. Use the "two-finger swipe to the left" gesture to advance to each successive illustration. Among other "hint screens" are illustrations of the additional gestures available when using Splashtop Whiteboard on your iPad, and how to delete or re-open screenshots you have captured using the Snapshot feature of Whiteboard.
Next Page. Tapping this icon will advance to the next page of the document you are using for your presentation, such as a PowerPoint slide (just like the "Page Down" arrow key on a keyboard). You can also do this via the gestures. (Additional gestures.) |